
yball 1. Papers
yball 2. Proceedings
yball 3. Grant-in-Aid
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1. Papers

  1. Jun Shinozuka and Yuichi Imakama, Effect of Parallel Micro-Grooves Fabricated on the Rake and Flank Faces on the Improvement of the Cutting Performance of Low-Rigidity Elastomers, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.83, No.7 (2017) pp.679-686.
  2. Jun Shinozuka and Daiki Kidoura, Experimental Investigation of Heat Partition Ratio for the Cutting Tool at a Cutting Speed Ranging from 38 to 6500 m/min, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 874 (2016) pp 450-456.
  3. Jun Shinozuka, Habibah Binti JAHARADAK, Measurement of the temperature distribution at the tool-chip interface by using a cutting tool with seven pairs of built-in micro Cu/Ni thermocouples, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.1136 (2016) pp.586-591.
  4. Naoki Takahashi and Jun Shinozuka, Contributions of High-Speed Cutting and High Rake Angle to the Cutting Performance of Natural Rubber, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.8, No.4 (2014) pp.550-560.
  5. Jun Shinozuka, Experimental investigation on the cutting mechanism of oxygen free copper in cutting speeds ranging from 1 m/s to 210 m/s, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.797 (2013) pp 208-213.
  6. Tappei HIGASHI, Masato SANDO and Jun SHINOZUKA, Cutting experiments in cutting speeds of up to 200 m/s with a high-speed impact cutting tester, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 523-524 (2012) pp 1041-1046.
  7. Junichi HARASHITA, Yuji TOMODA and Jun SHINOZUKA, Development of a cutting tool with micro built-in thermocouples - Characteristic of the micro Cu/Ni thermocouples fabricated by electroless plating and electro plating -, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 523-524 (2012) pp 815-820.
  8. Jun Shinozuka, Hidenobu YACHI, Tappei HIGASHI, Masato SANDO, Toshio Maetani, Shigeru Unami and Yukiko Ozaki, Effect of MnS on the cutting mechanism of powder metallurgy steel in cutting speeds ranging from 1 m/s to 150 m/s, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 565 (2012) pp 370-375.
  9. Masato SANDO, Tappei HIGASHI, Jun SHINOZUKA, Influence of the Heat Treatment Condition upon the High-Speed Cutting Mechanism of Aluminum Alloy A2017, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.6, No.6 (2012) pp.859-874.
  10. Jun Shinozuka, Masato Sando and Tasuku Horie, Ultra High-Speed Cutting Experiment under the Cutting Condition that Cutting Speed Exceeds Plastic Wave Speed of Workpiece, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 325 (2011) pp 327-332.
  11. Jun Shinozuka, Fabrication of multiple micro-grooves by ultrasonic machining with a tool that laminated thin hard-material and thin soft-material, Journal of the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology(JSAT), Vo.54, No.8 (2010) pp.482-487.(in Japanese)
  12. Jun Shinozuka, Fabrication of multiple micro-grooves by ultrasonic machining with a tool that laminated thin hard-material and thin soft-material, Advanced Materials Research, 76-78 (2009) pp.577-582
  13. T.Obikawa, Y. Takemura, Y.Akiyama, J.Shinozuka, H.Sasahara, Microscopic phase-dependent residual stresses in the machined surface layer of two-phase a lloy, Journal of materials Processing Technology, 209, (2009) pp.4496-4501.
  14. Jun Shinozuka, Ali Basti and Toshiyuki Obikawa, Development of Cutting Tool with Built-in Thin Film Thermocouples for Measuring High Temperature Fields in Metal Cutting Processes, Transaction of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.130, June (2008) pp.034501-1-034501-6.
  15. Ali Basti, Toshiyuki Obikawa and Jun Shinozuka, Tools with Built-in Thin Film Thermocouple Sensors for Monitoring Cutting Temperature, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.47 (2007) pp.793-798.
  16. Toshiyuki Obikawa, Ali Basti and Jun Shinozuka, Finite Difference Modeling of Cutting Temperature in Machining of A6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy at Ultra High Cutting Speeds, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.329 (2007) pp.681-686.
  17. Toshiyuki Obikawa, Yasuhiro Kamata and Jun Shinozuka, High Speed Grooving with Applying MQL, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.46 (2006) pp.1854-1861.
  18. Jun Shinozuka, Ali Basti, Koji Utsumi and Toshiyuki Obikawa, Measurement of Temperature Distribution on the Tool Rake Face with a Cutting Tool with Built-in Thin Film Thermocouples Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.72, No.717,(C) (2006) pp.1687-1694. (in Japanese)
  19. J.Shinozuka and T.Obikawa, Development of Orthogonal Impact Cutting Testing Machine, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.291-292(August2005) (2005) pp.507-512.
  20. T.Obikawa and J.Shinozuka, Analysis of Grinding Temperature Considering Surface Generation Mechanism, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.291-292(August2005) (2005) pp.97-102.
  21. Toshiyuki Obikawa, Yasuhiro Kamata and Jun Shinozuka, Performance of MQL in High Speed and High Efficiency Grooving, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.71, No.701,(C) (2005) pp.311-318. (in Japanese)
  22. Toshiyuki Obikawa and Jun Shinozuka, Monitoring of flank wear of coated tool in high speed machining with a neural network ART2, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.44 (2004) pp.1311-1318.
  23. J.Shinozuka and T.Obikawa, Development of Cutting Tools with Built-in Thin Film Thermocouples, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.257-258 (2004) pp.547-552.
  24. Y.Kamata, T.Obikawa and J.Shinozuka, Analysis of Mist Flow in MQL Cutting, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.257-258 (2004) pp.339-344.
  25. Toshiyuki OBIKAWA, Chengfa LI and Jun SHINOZUKA, Finite Element Analysis Based Evaluation of Nickel-Base Superalloy Machinability, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.69, No.1 (2003) pp.105-109. (in Japanese)
  26. Jun SHINOZUKA, Toshiyuki OBIKAWA and Chengfa LI, Ultra High-Speed Metal Cutting Mechanism with Shock Waves, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.69, No.680, (C) (2003) pp.1123-1130.
  27. Masahiko YOSHINO, Toshiyuki OBIKAWA and Jun SHINOZUKA, Rapid Manufacturing System by Sheet Steel Laminating Method, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.66, No.642, (C) (2000) pp.667-672. (in Japanese)
  28. Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Toshiyuki OBIKAWA, Jun SHINOZUKA and Masahiko YOSHINO, Development of Reaction-Controllable Milling Head and Its Cutting Performance (2nd Report, Cutting Force Performance of Reaction-Controllable Head with Helical Milling Cutters), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.65, No.631 (C) (1999) pp.1223-1228. (in Japanese)
  29. T.Obikawa, M.Yoshino and J.Shinozuka, Sheet steel lamination for rapid manufacturing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.89-90 (1999) pp.171-176.
  30. J. Shinozuka, T. Obikawa and T. Shirakashi, Chip Breaking Analysis from the Viewpoint of the Optimum Cutting Tool Geometry Design, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.62 (1996) pp.345-351.
  31. Jun SHINOZUKA, Toshiyuki OBIKAWA and Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Chip Breaking Process Simulation by Thermo-Elastic Plastic Finite Element Method, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.62, No.8 (1996) pp.1161-1166. (in Japanese)
  32. Toshiyuki OBIKAWA, Jun SHINOZUKA and Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Analytical Prediction of Cutting Performances of Grooved Rake Face Tools, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.61, No.9 (1995) pp.1295-1299. (in Japanese)

2. Proceedings

  1. SHINOZUKA, Jun, AI prediction of the state of five kinds of tool wear in turning by only observing the chip back-surface temperature near the chip root, ISAAT2024 proceedings The 26th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, Portoroz, Slovenia, 17-20 November 2024 (2024) 03_04, in download version.
  2. SHINOZUKA, Jun., Analysis of the plastic shear strain in the localized shear zone of serrated chip, ISAAT2023 The 25th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, in USB Paper ID 1027, 10-13 December, Evergreen Laurel Hotel (2023) Taichung, Taiwan.
  3. Jun SHINOZUKA, Cutting property of a low-rigidity urethane rubber in room temperature using a razor blades, Proceedings of The Japan Society for Precision Engineering 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2022), C066, Nov.28(Mon.)-Dec.2(Fri.), (2022) Nara, Japan.
  4. Jun SHINOZUKA and Yuki NOGUCHI, Investigation of the change in the chip shape of cast iron over a wide range of cutting speeds, Proceedings of The Japan Society for Precision Engineering 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2022), C078, Nov.28(Mon.)-Dec.2(Fri.), (2022) Nara, Japan.
  5. SHINOZUKA,Jun, Study on the monitoring of temperature distribution on the chip back surface around the chip root, SAAT2019 The 22nd International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, 6-9 December 2019, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, Proceedings in USB, (2019) Abrasive machining, abrasive jet machining A30.
  6. Jun Shinozuka, Visualization of change in temperature distribution of all over the tool rake face from the beginning of cutting until the cutting state is in a quasi-state, ISAAT2018 Proceedings, Chapters 02 Cutting technology, 36, 15-17 October, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2018).
  7. Jun Shinozuka, Yuji Meguro and Shinji Maeda, Development of a cutting tool possessing multiple micro cutting edges on its face for the improvement of the machinability of elastomers, Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, 3-6 December, Okinawa, Japan (2017) pp.399-402.
  8. Jun Shinozuka, Investigation of ultra-high speed cutting mechanism by considering tool-chip friction property and inertia force derived from chip formation, Proceedings of the 17th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology, May 29th - 2nd June 2017, Hannover, DE, Editors: D. Billington, D. Phillips, (2017) pp.205-206
  9. Jun SHINOZUKA, Yuichi IMAKAMA, Effect of Parallel Micro-grooves Fabricated on the Rake and Flank Faces on the Improvement of the Cutting Performance of Low-rigidity Elastomers, 16th International Conference on Precision Engineering, Hamamatsu, Japan, 14-16 November 2016, Proceeding in USB memory stick, C101-8218.
  10. Naoki TAKAHASHI and Jun SHINOZUKA, Influences of cutting speed and tool rake angle upon the cutting characteristics of natural rubber, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), November 7-8, 2013, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan, pp.245-250. (CD-ROM), Published on November 7, 2013
  11. Masato SANDO, Tappei HIGASHI and Jun SHINOZUKA, Influence of the heat treatment condition upon the high-speed cutting mechanism of aluminum alloy A2017, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), November 8 to 10, 2011, Saitama, Japan (2011), 3331 (CD-ROM)
  12. Yuji TOMODA, Junichi HARASHITA and Jun SHINOZUKA, Fabrication of a tool insert in which micro thermocouples are embedded for monitoring cutting temperature, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), November 8 to 10, 2011, Saitama, Japan (2011), 3336 (CD-ROM)
  13. Jun Shinozuka, Takeshi Hatta, Shigekazu Ito, Hiroaki Yoshida, Sachihiro Isogawa, Fem Cutting Simulation with a Drucker-Prager Yield Criterion in High-speed and Ultra High-speed Cutting, Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, June 15-20, 2008 Guilin-Guangzhou, China (2008) 876-882.
  14. T. Obikawa, Y. Takemura, Y. Akiyama, J. Shinozuka, H. Sasahara, Microscopic Phase-Dependent Residual Stresses in the Machined Surface of Two-phase Alloy, Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, June 15-20, 2008 Guilin-Guangzhou, China (2008) 870-875.
  15. K. Kamio, T. Obikawa, A. Basti, J. Shinozuka and Y. Kamata, Development of a DLC-Coated Tool with Thin Film Thermocouples, Proceedings of 4th International conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, Fukuoka (2007) 323-326.
  16. J.Shinozuka, T.Obikawa, High Levels of Hydrostatic Stress at Shear Zone Induced by Plastic Shock Waves under Ultra High-speed Cutting Conditions, Proceedings of the 10th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, August 27-28, 2007, Reggio Calabria, Italy, ed. Fabrizio Micari and Luigino Filice, (2007) pp.357-364.
  17. KAMATA Yasuhiro, NAKAYAMA Kousuke, SHINOZUKA Jun, OBIKAWA Toshiyuki, Effects of pinpoint oil mist jet on flank wear in turning of Inconel 718, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology (ICPMT'2006), Matsue, Progress of Machining Technology, ed. Y. Yamane et al., Aviation Industry Press (2006) pp.145-148.
  18. Toshiyuki Obikawa, Syunsuke Satou, Yasuhiro Kunieda and Jun Shinozuka, Ductile-Brittle Mode Transition in End milling of Glass, Proceedings of 2006 ISFA, 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Osaka, Japan, July 10-12 (2006) pp.104-107.
  19. A. Basti, T.Obikawa and J.Shinozuka, Tools with Built-in Thin Film Thermocouple Sensors for Monitoring Cutting Temperature, Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME2005) CD-ROM, (2005)
  20. T.Shirakashi, J.Shinozuka and T.Obikawa, Simulation Analysis on Chip Breaking Process by Grooved Tool, Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM conference on material forming, 27-29 April 2005, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA, Volume II, (2005) pp.733-736.
  21. Obikawa Toshiyuki, SHINOZUKA Jun, SONODA Tetsuri and SASAJIMA Kazuyuki, Development of Cutting Simulator for End Milling, Progress of Machining Technology Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of Progress of Machining Technology(ICPMT'2004), 8-11 December 2004 Suzhou, China, (2004) pp.753-758.
  22. T.Obikawa, J.Shinozuka and H.Nakamoto, Monitoring of High Speed Machining States with an Neural Network ART2, International Conference on Leading Edge manufacturing in 21st Century, Nov.3-6, (2003) pp.669-674.
  23. Obikawa Toshiyuki, Li Chengfa, Shinozuka Jun, Finite Element Analysis of Machining Nickel-Base Superalloy, Progress of Machining Technology, (2002) pp.772-777.
  24. Jun Shinozuka, Masahiko Yoshino and Toshiyuki Obikawa, Machine Parts Manufacturing by Sheet Steel Lamination Technology, Initiatives of Precision Engineering at the Beginning of a Millennium, (2001) pp.127-131.
  25. T.Obikawa, J.Shinozuka, H.Kikuchi, K.Yoshino and T.Tanabe, FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OF MACHINIG WITH A HELICAL ENDMILL, PROGRESS OF MACHINIG TECHNOLOGY, (2000) pp.715-719.
  26. Jun Shinozuka and Toshiyuki Obikawa, Simulation Analysis of Hyper Velocity Machining, ABRASIVE TECHNOLOGY Current Development and Applications I, ed. Jun Wang, William Scott and Liangchi Zhang, World Scientific, (ABTEC'99 Australia Brisbane) (1999) pp.378-385.
  27. Takahiro Shirakash, Toshiyuki Obikawa and Jun Shinozuka, Development of Intelligent Milling Head, PROGRESS OF CUTTING AND GRINDING with Some Topics in Advanced Manufacture Technology, ed. Chen Digchang, Narutaki Norihiko, Yamane Yasuo and Chen Wuyi, International Academic Publishers, (ICPCG'98 Urumuqi and Turpain, China) (1998) pp.344-349.
  28. Toshiyuki Obikawa, Masahiko Yoshino, Takashi Matsumura, Hiroyuki Sasahara, Jun Shinozuka and Koji Furusawa, Rapid Manufacturing System by Sheet Steel Lamination, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering, Tokyo (1998) pp.265-270.
  29. Masahiko Yoshino, Toshiyuki Obikawa, Jun Shinozuka, Yuki Hanawa and Fumitoshi Ito, Mechanical Properties of Laminated Sheet Steel Products by Rapid Manufacturing System, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering, Tokyo (1998) pp.271-276.
  30. Jun Shinozuka, Toshiyuki Obikawa and Takahiro Shirakashi, A CAE System for High Performance Metal Cutting Tool Geometry, ICPE'97, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (1997) pp.941-946.
  31. J.Shinozuka, T.Obikawa and T.Shirakashi, Chip Breaking Analysis form the View Point of the Optimum Cutting Tool Geometry Design, ICPE'95 (2nd ICMT), Singapore (1995) pp.224-230.
  32. J.Shinozuka, T.Obikawa and T.Shirakashi, Cutting Performance of Tool with Curved Rake Face, Advancement of Intelligent Production, ed. Eiji Usui, Elsevier Science, (ICPE'94, Chiba) (1994) pp.379-384.
  33. T.Obikawa, J.Shinozuka and T.Shirakashi, FEM Analysis on Cutting Performance of Tools with Secondary Rake Face, ICMT in Asian & Pacific Regions, Guangzhou, China (1993) pp.21-26.

3. Grant-in-Aid

  1. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2015-2018) 3,900,000yen
  2. Osawa Scientfic Studies Grants Foundation (2013) 200,000yen
  3. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2010-2013) 14,900,000yen
  4. Machine Tool Engineering Foundation (2007) 2,000,000yen
  5. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2007-2009) 15,200,000yen
  6. Osawa Scientfic Studies Grants Foundation (2005) 1,800,000yen
  7. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2005-2006) 3,700,000yen
  8. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (2003-2004) 3,600,000yen
  9. Tokyo Institute of Technology (2001) 1,600,000yen
  10. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (2001-2002) 1,900,000yen
  11. Osawa Scientfic Studies Grants Foundation (2000) 1,600,000yen
  12. Osawa Scientfic Studies Grants Foundation (1999) 250,000yen (International conference for ABTEC'99 in Australia)
  13. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) (1999-2000) 2,200,000yen

4. Awards

  1. Excellent Poster Award (2012), The 15th International Machine Tool Engineer's Conference - Jun Shinouzka, Cutting phenomena appearing in high-speed and ultra high-speed cutting states
  2. TICM2005 Best Paper Prize (2005), - Ali Basti, T.Obikawa and J.Shinozuka, Tools with Built-in Thin Film Thermocouple Sensors for Monitoring Cutting Temperature, TICM2005(Teheran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineeing)
  3. Excellent Paper Prize (2005) from Manufacturing and Machine Tool division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Jun Shinozuka, Koji Utsumi, Ali Basti and Toshiyuki Obikawa, Development of intelligent cutting tool with built-in thin film thermocouples, The 5th Manufacturing and Machine Tool Conference, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, (2004)
  4. Research Achievement Prize (2005), from Manufacturing and Machine Tool division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, - Jun SHINOZUKA, Toshiyuki OBIKAWA and Chengfa LI, Ultra High-Speed Metal Cutting Mechanism with Shock Waves, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.69, No.680, (C) (2003) pp.1123-1130.
  5. Encouragement Prize(2005) from Machine Tool Engineering Foundation, - Syunsuke Sato, Yasuhiro Kunieda, Jun Shinozuka and Toshikyuki Obikawa, Influence of the three-dimensional posture and cutting atmosphere of micro ball endmilling on ductile-brittle transition of borosilicate glass machining, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The 12th Students graduation research conference, (2004)

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