Research Themes of Dr. SHIZNOUKA Jun's Laboratory

Current research interests are;
(1) enhancement of cutting performance of low rigidity elastomers under room temperature
(2) estimation of the state of tool wear by employing AI technology
(3) development of an intelligent cutting tool that is able to measure the distributions of temperature and stresses at the tool-chip contact region
(4) grasping dynamic behavior of materials by means of cutting
(5) development of a materials design system with a FEM cutting simulation
(6) clarification of high-speed and ultra high-speed cutting mechanism
and physical phenomena arising under ultra high-speed cutting condition that the cutting speeds is faster than the speeds of the plastic waves and the plastic shock waves propagate at the plastic shear region.

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gball Study on the dispersion property of CTAB for a PTFE with a particle size of three microns
gball Study on the surface property of an electroplated Ni film using a bath containing CTAB
gball Study on the change in the material property of a polar urethane rubber by UV-B rays irradiation
gball Study on the development of a cutting tool possessing a function that irradiates ultraviolet rays from the cutting edge


gball Study on the observation of material separation at the cutting edge in cutting
gball Study on the formation mechanism the chip back-side surface of unsteady type of chip
gball Study on a high-quality cutting of low-rigidity polar elastomers under room temperature


gball Estimation of a ductile fracture property of cast iron under severe deformation field by analyzing the serrated chip formation mechanism
gball Study on the analytical prediction of a ductile fracture property of gray cast iron by cutting
gball Study on the estimation of the tool wear state during cutting by employing deep learning
gball Study on the Cutting Property of Low-Rigidity Polar-Elastomers


rball Study on the serrated chip formation of ductile cast iron
rball Study on the cutting of low-rigidity elastomer under room temperature using razor blade
rball Study on the grasping of the tool wear state during turning using AI technology


bball High-speed cutting properties of a gray cast iron and a ductile cast iron
bball Study on the estimation of tool wear by AI image recognition
bball Study on the influence of the state of the crystallized graphite on the high-speed cutting property of cast iron
bball Study on the improvement of the machinability of low-rigidity urethane rubber in room temperature
bball Study on the influence of the cutting speed on the cutting property of cast iron


gball Effect of the increase of the machinability of elastomers by means of a thin blades laminated cutting tool
gball Study on the cutting property of urethane rubber with a thin blades laminated cutting tool
gball Study on the correlation between the progression of tool wear and the change in the temperature distribution of the chip back surface
gball Study on the characteristic of high-speed cutting of cast iron


rball Investigation of the too-chip friction behavior by considering the change in temperature at the interface with the cutting speed
rball Study on the monitoring of the tool edge temperature during turning
rball Study on the temperature monitoring of chip just formed with a telescopic-microscope infrared thermography camera developed
rball Study on an electrical-insulating layer fabricated by anodizing of aluminum layer deposited by wet electroplating
rball Examination of the change in temperatures at the tool-chip interface with the cutting speed
rball Study on design of a Jig for making a cutting tool fabricated by laminating thin hardened steels


bball Measurement of the temperature distribution of the tool-chip interface in high-speed and ultra-high speed cutting
bball Study on a visualization of the temperature distribution of the tool tip under high-speed cutting conditions
bball Cutting characteristics of low-rigidity urethane rubber with a tool fabricated by laminating thin blades
bball Study on cutting of low-rigidity elastomers with a lamination tool
bball Study on the improvement of the temperature measurement method in high-speed impact cutting experiment
bball Study on the improvement of the wiring connection of a cutting tool with built-in micro thermocouples
bball Study on the fabrication of a sensor circuit on a cemented carbide


gball Study on a visualization of temperature distribution on the rake face during cutting
gball Characteristic of the cutting of elastomers with a cutting tool possessing multiple minute cutting edges
gball Study on a noise-less measurement of the temperatures at the tool-chip interface for a small cutting tool
gball Influence of the abrasives density in the slurry on the ultrasonic machining properties


dball Effect of the parallel micro-grooves fabricated on the tool face on the cutting force reduction for low-rigidity elastomer
dball Friction property at the tool-chip interface in high-speed and ultra high-speed cutting
dball Study on the measurement of the temperature field of the whole chip surface near the cutting edge
dball Experimental investigation on the heat partition ratio into the tool under high speed and ultra high-speed cutting condition
dball Development of a measurement system of the whole temperature field during cutting
dball Development of a cutting tool having a multiple number of cutting edges on the tool surface


bball A FEM simulation of the serrated type of chip formation employing a damage model
bball Measurement of temperature field on the rake face near the cutting edge in turning
bball Measurement of temperatures at the tool-chip interface in high-speed cutting
bball High quality cutting of elastomers utilizing a cutting tool possessing micro grooves


gball Efficacy of high-speed cutting against the improvement of the machinability of viscoelastic materials
gball Study on the establishment of a measurement method of temperature field at the tool-chip interface
gball High-speed cutting mechanism of Ni-based superalloy Inconel718
gball Influences of tool materials and edge treatments on the high-speed cutting performance of Ti-6Al-4V
gball Numerical simulation of the formation of the serrated type of chip by employing FEA
gball Study on in-situ measurement method of the temperature field on the tool-chip interface using an indexable insert with seven pairs of micro Cu/Ni thermocouples


rball Clarification of the friction property at the tool-chip interface in high-speed cutting
rball Development of the temperature-electromotive force calibration apparatus for micro-thermocouples fabricated on an indexable insert
rball Study on improvement of making process for an indexable insert with micro thermocouples
rball High-speed cutting mechanism of oxygen-free copper with a cutting speed of up to 200 m/s
rball Influence of cutting speed and rake angle on the machinability of viscoelastic materials


bball Influence of precipitates of aluminum alloy A2017 on high-speed cutting mechanism up to 160 m/s
bball Study on the fabrication of a cutting tool with minute built-in thermocouples for measuring temperatures at the tool-chip interface
bball Seebeck properties of minute thermocouples fabricated by plating
bball Effect of additives on the high-speed cutting of a powder metallurgy steel
bball Development of a cemented carbide tool with minute built-in thermocouples


gball Experimental investigations of cutting mechanism of a powder metallurgy steel in cutting speeds of from 0.5 m/s to 172 m/s
gball Development of a cutting tool possessing minute thermocouples fabricated by ultrasonic machining and plating processes
gball Influence of the heat treatments upon the high-speed cutting mechanism of aluminum alloy A2017 in cutting speeds of up to 160 m/s


gball Clarification of ultra high-speed cutting phenomena employing quantitative analysis of the specific cutting forces
gball Experimental investigations of high-speed cutting mechanism of a sintered metal under cutting speed of up to 120 m/s
gball Development of a cutting tool with built-in thermocouples to measure temperature distribution on the tool-chip contact area


gball Characteristics of ultrasonic micro-grooving with a sandwich tool that laminates thin hard material and thin soft material on alumina ceramics
gball Clarification of high-speed cutting mechanism with improved high-speed impact cutting tester

2007 ( Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ibaraki University)

rball Development of high-speed cutting tester that can be control cutting environment and clarification of cutting phenomena under ultra high-speed cutting conditions
rball Ultrasonic microgroove-machining with the sandwich tool that thin steel sheet and thin soft sheet are laminated
rball An influence of the fine lattice groves on the rake face upon the characteristic of the cutting mechanism
rball High-speed and Ultra high-speed Cutting Tests with Impact Cutting Tester that can control Cutting Environment

2006 ( Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ibaraki University)

bball Development of cutting stage of cutting environment controlled high-speed cutting testing machine
bball Development of projectile launching and collecting systems of cutting environment controlled high-speed cutting testing machine
bball Development of projectile with built-in small cutting tool

2005 ( Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ibaraki University)

gball Dynamic and Thermo-Elastic-Plastic FEM Simulation in Ultra High-speed Metal Cutting with Drucker-Prager Yield Criterion
gball Fabrication of Microstructure with Fine Particles by Nd:YAG Laser Sintering Process
gball Development of Ultra high-speed Metal Cutting Testing Machine with Cutting Circumstance Controllable Chamber
gball Influence of Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation Condition and Circumstance on Fabrication of Microstructure

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